How to convert kilowatts to amps

How to convert electric power in kilowatts (kW) to electric current in amps (A).

You can calculate amps from kilowatts and volts. You can't convert kilowatts to amps since kilowatts and amps units do not measure the same quantity.

DC kilowatts to amps calculation formula

The current I in amps is equal to 1000 times the power P in kilowatts, divided by the voltage V in volts:

I(A) = 1000 × P(kW) / V(V)

So amps are equal to 1000 times kilowatts divided by volts.

amps = 1000 × kilowatts / volts


A = 1000 × kW / V


What is the current in amps when the power consumption is 0.33 kilowatts and the voltage supply is 110 volts?

I = 1000 × 0.33kW / 110V = 3A

AC single phase kilowatts to amps calculation formula

The phase current I in amps is equal to 1000 times the real power P in kilowatts, divided by the power factor PF times the RMS voltage V in volts:

I = 1000 × P / (PF × V )

So amps are equal to 1000 times kilowatts divided by power factor times volts.

amps = 1000 × kilowatts / (PF × volts)


A = 1000 × kW / (PF × V)


What is the phase current in amps when the power consumption is 0.33 kilowatts, the power factor is 0.8 and the RMS voltage supply is 110 volts?

I = 1000 × 0.33kW / (0.8 × 110V) = 3.75A

AC three phase kilowatts to amps calculation formula

The phase current I in amps is equal to 1000 times the real power P in kilowatts, divided by square root of 3 times the power factor PF times the  line to line RMS voltage VL-L in volts:

I = 1000 × P / (3 × PF × VL-L )

So amps are equal to 1000 times kilowatts divided by square root of 3 times power factor times volts.

amps = 1000 × kilowatts / (3 × PF × volts)


A = 1000 × kW / (3 × PF × V)


What is the phase current in amps when the power consumption is 0.33 kilowatts, the power factor is 0.8 and the voltage supply is 110 volts?

I = 1000 × 0.33kW / (3 × 0.8 × 110V) = 2.165A


How to convert amps to kilowatts ►


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