kcal to kilojoules conversion

Kilocalories (kcal) to kilojoules (kJ) energy conversion calculator and how to convert.

kcal to kJ conversion calculator

Select calorie unit type, enter the energy in kilocalories and press the Convert button:

Select calorie unit type:
Energy result in kilojoules: kJ

kJ to kcal conversion ►

How to convert from kcal to kilojoules

Thermochemical / food kilocalories to kilojoules

1 kcalth = 4.184 kJ

The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to 4.184 times the energy in thermochecmical / food kilocalories E(kcal):

E(kJ) = 4.184 × E(kcal-th)


Convert 0.3 kcalth to kilojoules.

E(kJ) = 4.184 × 0.3 kcalth = 1.2552 kJ

International kilocalories to kilojoules

1 kcalIT = 4.1868 kJ

The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to 4.1868 times the energy in international kilocalories E(kcal-IT):

E(kJ) = 4.1868 × E(kcal-IT)


Convert 0.3 kcalIT to kilojoules.

E(kJ) = 4.1868 × 0.3kcalIT = 1.25604 kJ

15°C kilocalories to kilojoules

1 kcal15 = 4.1855 kJ

The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to 4.1855 times the energy in 15°C kilocalories E(kcal15):

E(kJ) = 4.1855 × E(kcal15)


Convert 0.3 kcal15 to kilojoules.

E(kJ) = 4.1855 × 0.3kcal15 = 1.25565 kJ

20°C kilocalories to kilojoules

1 cal20 = 4.182 kJ

The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to 4.182 times the energy in 20°C kilocalories E(kcal20):

E(kJ) = 4.182 × E(kcal20)


Convert 0.3 kcal20 to kilojoules.

E(kJ) = 4.182 × 0.3kcal20 = 1.2546 kJ


kJ to kcal conversion ►


See also

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