How to convert number to roman numerals

How to convert decimal number to roman numerals.

Decimal number to roman numerals conversion

For decimal number x:

  1. From the following table, find the highest decimal value v that is less than or equal to the decimal number x

    and its corresponding roman numeral n:


    Decimal value (v) Roman numeral (n)
    1 I
    4 IV
    5 V
    9 IX
    10 X
    40 XL
    50 L
    90 XC
    100 C
    400 CD
    500 D
    900 CM
    1000 M


  3. Write the roman numeral n that you found and subtract its value v from x:

    x = x - v

  4. Repeat stages 1 and 2 until you get zero result of x.

Example #1

x = 36

Iteration # Decimal number (x) Highest decimal value (v) Highest roman numeral (n) Temporary result
1 36 10 X X
2 26 10 X XX
3 16 10 X XXX
4 6 5 V XXXV
5 1 1 I XXXVI


Example #2

x = 2012

Iteration # Decimal number (x) Highest decimal value (v) Highest roman numeral (n) Temporary result
1 2012 1000 M M
2 1012 1000 M MM
3 12 10 X MMX
4 2 1 I MMXI
5 1 1 I MMXII


Example #3

x = 1996

Iteration # Decimal number (x) Highest decimal value (v) Highest roman numeral (n) Temporary result
1 1996 1000 M M
2 996 900 CM MCM
3 96 90 XC MCMXC
4 6 5 V MCMXCV


How to convert roman numerals to number ►


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